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Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A Christmas Story & a Christmas Wish List

A couple of weeks ago somebody from House of Fraser asked me to get involved with their Christmas wish list campaign, in which you share your best, worst and funniest Christmas, and being the jolly crimbo lover that I am, I agreed to take part. 

The best and worst Christmas presents are always though as I'm super lucky in the sense that my parents always spoil me at Christmas. However, one of my stand out best presents would have to be paint. Odd, I know, but I used to love changing my bedroom and one year I got paint in the colours I wanted my room and ended up having my whole room re-decorated. Worst, after a lot of thought may have to be some lavender draw liners that my nan's neighbour got me, however the fact that my nan's neigbour got me anything for Christmas is pretty cool.

Most hilarious Christmas present was actually given to my brother a couple of years ago and it was a swearing turtle. You press it's stomach and it shouts very rude insults at you. It was actually banned on that day due to elderly guests coming to dinner, but non the less it's still a hilarious present.

To end the post here is a wishlist of the things I'd love Santa to bring down the chimney this year. Fingers crossed.

What are your favourite Christmas present stories? 

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I was given the Elemis Pure Rose Indulgence Set for writing this post, however it is something I genuinely would've wanted regardless. All views thoughts and wish list ideas are my own.


  1. Fab stories! Really enjoyed reading!


  2. Hahahaa a swearing turtle that's cute! I want a fitbit too! I don't think I'm going to get it, getting new running shoes instead.

  3. A swearing turtle?! If only I got of got one of those for presents this year!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers


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