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Sunday, 7 April 2013

What I Wore This Week

This week has been a pretty good week really. I've managed to make a big dent in my uni work, seen some lovely people, and got some new goodies. A good'un in my books.

Tuesday: Top: H&M // Skirt: Topshop // Boots & Cardigan: George at Asda

Wednesday: Shirt: New Look // Skirt & Boots: George at Asda

Thursday: Top: George at Asda // Boots & Skirt: NewLook

Friday: Top: Topshop // Shoes: Converse
           Top: George // Skirt: River Island // Shoes: Topshop

Saturday: Top: Topshop // Jacket: River Island // Shoes: Converse

Hope you all have lovely weeks.

Laura xoox


  1. I love the yellow shirt in Friday's 2nd outfit :) x

  2. You look gorgeous in yellow! It was so nice to see your lovely face :)
    Thursday's is veryy nice! xxxx

  3. You look so lovely Laura! :) That second outfit on Friday is soooo gorgeous! :) x Laura

  4. That yellow shirt really suits you, love the green hoodie too xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  5. you look lovely on Thursday and friday night


Thank you so much for you comment, it really brightens my day.