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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Five Product Face

When this feature did its rounds on many a blog, I really enjoyed them, but knew I wouldn't be able to do one, as for a start, I like to use two concealers. Whilst I'm all for a minimal look, I don't really use minimal products, but a couple of weeks ago that all changed.

Stopping at someone else's house, thinking I would just head home the next day turned into going out for a meal; and me being me, needed to make a bit of an effort. So alas, I had a five product face.

For base I used my Dr Jart Water Fuse BB Cream which I'd packed, along with my Healthy Balance concealer and BB Lips. I then delved into my handbag make-up bag and whacked on some High Impact Mascara and Head Over Heels Blush. 

A bit less polished than I would've liked, but definitely acceptable enough to enter society.

Have you done a five product face?

Laura xoxo


  1. Well done on being able to do a 5 product face. I think if I tried hard I would be able to do it but like you, I think I would feel a little less polishes lol

    Gillian from Glam Up Everyday x

  2. I'd massively struggle here too. I think I'd pick the exact same products as you though, if from different brands :)
    I love your make up bag! xxxx

  3. I'm sure more than acceptable! :) I do it sometimes, especially when in a rush. I just need to look a bit more alive/presentable - not doing glamorous, full on event/evening makeup or anything. Sometimes the lack of products and time saving is really liberating!


Thank you so much for you comment, it really brightens my day.