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Thursday, 23 May 2013

Throwback Thursday: The Archives

I've been doing this whole blogging lark closely coming up to a year and a half, and in that time I've created and shared a fair few posts. Whilst looking back on some of these makes me want to bury my head in the sand and feign any knowledge of them, I sometimes find it fun to look back and see just how much my blog, my blogging style and myself as a person has changed. Therefor I thought this Thursday's post, and maybe some Throwback posts in the future could be dedicated to these earlier posts.

Topshop Blush in Head Over Heels - Post

My blush collection was the first of my products to quickly grow (closely followed by foundation.) Obviously I hadn't cracked photography (not that I really have now) or found my cupcake background.

Make-up Storage - Post

This is definitely a cringe, mixed with a bitter sweet reminiscence as this is how I stored my make-up when I was living at uni second year (I moved home for my third.) I love the set up of my make-up now, and this is so cringy, but my make-up now is in a very hard to capture place, so I wouldn't expect and updated post soon; but trust me, it's better than this!

Liquid Eyeliner - Post

Another great use of photography by moi... Considering I can't remember the last time I donned some liquid liner (I now favour black shadow and an angled brush) this post makes me smile at just how many liquid liners I deemed it acceptable to have. I think one of the reasons I favoured a liquid line is because it felt very 'make-upy' for a make-up newbie. Who knows, maybe I'll crack my liquid liner out this week?

Do you look back on your old posts? What do you think of them?

Laura xoxo


  1. I've actually been too ashamed at a few and deleted them haha! My personal fave has to be a few nail polish reviews where I either haven't pictured it at all or have used the polish on shockingly short, jagged nails...vile. That said, people still do this haha.
    Must say, I do prefer your cupcake background ;) but the biscuit of loveliness mug is so cute! xxxx

    1. Haha, but your posts are all so lovely :)
      FANNKS :)


  2. i always cringe at my older posts.. not that they've gotten much better! xxx

  3. Haha i love this post :) I like the cupcake background. My photography is still crap now lol.

  4. Aww love this I cringe at older posts too!


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