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Sunday, 23 December 2012

Blogmas Countdown: 2 Facial Treats

At this time of year, we tend to neglect our skin, and put it through a lot. What with the late nights, partying and the heat. So here are two little facial routines I like to do to re-vamp my skin, and keep it looking fresh for the big day.

Routine One - Hydration

I start by mixing together the Emma Haridie Cleansing Balm and the exfoliating seeds it comes with. I massage this all over my face, then leave it on for five minutes. I then massage the remaning seeds in and wash it off with a hot cloth. I then slather my face in the Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask and go to sleep. When I wake up my skin is fresher and healthier and ready to go.

Routine Two - Exfoliation

I start by making sure my face is clean and fresh by using the Emma Hardie cleansing blam, then when my face is dry I slather on a layer of the REN Resurfacing AHA Concentrate. When that has sunk in I love to slap on some Origins High-Potency Night-A-Mins moisturiser. When  I wake up in the morning it's like having a new face.

What are your facial treats?

Laura xoxo


  1. I really want to try something from Origins :) have you done individual reviews on any of them? x

    1. I don't think I have, sorry, I think I've just mentioned them in odd posts :)


  2. I keep hearing about the Origins drink me up mask, I realy need to try it. See if it will sort out my awful dry skin. "slap on" made me laugh :D xxx

    1. It's really good :)
      Glad I can amuse :)


  3. This sounds lovely, I've got to try the Origins mask :)

  4. I was to try out that balm! Sounds nice. You use a lot of Origins! Making me want to try it out!

    1. I love it :) Origins is one of my favourite brands :)


  5. Origins addict ;) Come stay with me again so I can steal your skincare? Your routines seem so nice.

  6. The cleansing balm sounds amazing! Great routine, I've definitely picked up some tips xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  7. The exfoliation products sound like a real treat for your skin! I really want to try Ren products but they are soooo pricey. Loving the skin care posts that you do - you really make me want to venture a bit further into the skin care world :p

    1. Oooo they are lovely :) Ren is the pricer side of reasonable!
      Thank you :) I'm really getting into Skincare atm!

  8. Would love to try more Origins products, and REN! you'll have lovely skin for Christmas :) xxxx

  9. oh i love the cleansing balm it looks really nice!! Wld love to c u drop by my blog!

  10. Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
    I hope you and your family are enjoying a fun filled memory making day! Tomorrow come by the Makeup University blog for a TEEN WEEK guest post from Nicole of Project Inspired! In the meantime, check out this one from Gloria Safar.
    Ciao ciao for now!
    P.S. The February 1st TEEN WEEK blog post still has the 5 MURAD Acne Kits giveaway going! Get in it!


Thank you so much for you comment, it really brightens my day.