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Monday, 26 August 2013

Review: MAC Cosmo Lipstick

So when I found out I'd got my first proper job I thought a MAC lipstick would be a good way to mark the occassion, and help me decide what lipstick to wear on the first day. However when I went shopping nothing called to me, plus I was with friends who don't really get the joy of MAC so I left empty handed. Then I was in London and went to the Covent Garden store, picked this up, swatched it, liked it, then found out they didn't have it in stock. However, I was then in a John Lewis and managed to get my hands on it. So not only is it a work lippie, it's also a London one too. (I'm sentimental like that.)

Now you've had the back-story, I'll move onto the product. Cosmo is an amplified formula (my fave!) which means it's long lasting on the lips and really well pigmented. I'd describe it as a brownish/dark pink. A darker your lips kind of colour.

If you're looking for something similar for a cheaper price I recommend Rimmel's 'Asia' lipstick. Slightly less pink but still holds a similarity, and half the price!

It is probably a bit dark for the summer months, but I think it's very work place appropriate.

What do you think of this lipstick?

Laura xoxo


  1. that's such a nice natural colour! xxx

  2. I love this colour it's gorgeous!

  3. I think the colour looks so lovely. I haven't heard much about this colour, but it is definitely suitable for work and it is very subtle yet pretty. I adore mac lipsticks! I have yet got so many shades to add to my ever growing collection!

    thanks for sharing, it looks great on you. Have a lovely day <3

    * Yingcbeauty *
    X x X x X

  4. That's a stunning shade on you! I have swatched this in store on my lips and it didn't work with my lip pigmentation however it's perfect for you :D

    Sarah | More Than Adored

  5. This definitely has a brown tone, but on your lips it comes up less - so, beautiful! :)

  6. gorgeous colour, I can't believe you never mentioned it ;) xxxx


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