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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

The Ten Minute Pamper

I think everybody likes a bit of pamper every now and again. I love nothing more than hunkering down for the afternoon, a handful of masks in tow, nail varnish at the ready and either a film or a good book. However we don't always have time for that do we? So this post is aimed for a quick little pamper to give you that oomph and aaahhh feeling you get after a little pamper.

I feel like this post needs a bit of a background story. I had a lazy morning one day, had a shower and decided to throw on a face mask and opted for this moisture mask. I then carried on with my usual skin care routine, but took extra time than I usually would, and was amazed at how amazing my skin felt afterwards and decided to take some snaps of what I used and do a post on it.

Start by using a manual exfoliater to slog off any dead skin cells. I opted for Origins Modern Friction just cause it was in my shower, but I tend to alternate between these two as they are the two I have in my current collection.

Then pat your face dry and apply a hydrating mask that only needs to be on for around 5 minutes. I used this one by Una Brennan, and I highly recommend it. Then so you feel like you are having a pamper, spend these five minute watching a YouTube video (I have a channel btw ;) or read a chapter of your book.

Finally, get a flannel really hot and steam the mask off of your face. Then carry on with your normal skincare routine. I just want to mention though, that these two really help with retaining the moisture that started with the mask.

Do you find yourself needing a quick pamper?

Laura xoxo

P.S: If you have more time, I also recommend these steps:

- Have a shower and exfoliate your whole body. Whilst the face mask is doing its stuff, rub in some body lotion all over your body.
- The exfoliating seeds that come with the Emma Hardie set are an amazing manual exfoliater, but I feel they work best left on the skin for 5-10 mins before washing them off.


  1. This sounds very nice indeed, can't beat a good pamper :) xxxx


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