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Monday, 3 June 2013

Review: Origins Vita Zing

I'm sure most of you are aware of this product. It definitely carries a beauty blogger buzz and something that has always intrigued me. I first picked this up last November in a box of Origins I got in their Christmas boxsets. At the time, I was definitely left disappointed with this product; but now things have a changed.

For those of you who don't know, Vita Zing is a moisturiser with a 'sheer tint release.' Not quite a tinted moisturiser, but not a normal moisturiser, it's some kind of in between product. Now, when I'm doing an extremely good caspar look, this makes me go from the friendly ghost to being carted back to the chocolate factory. Orange overload. This put me off greatly. However, I persevered, tried different ways of working with it, and now me and Vita Zing are getting on rather well.

As you can see, I think I've managed to work it without looking tangoed, and you can also see that it really holds no coverage, which is why it isn't a tinted moisturiser. What I do hope you can notice is, however, how it evens out my skin tone, and adds a slightly 'healthy' look to my skin.

I use this moisturiser on days where my skin is behaving, I'm not doing a lot, but still want to look presentable. This with a bit of concealer is the perfect combination.

So here it is in action. No foundation, just Vita Zing and concealer. 
So whilst me and Vita Zing and having a bit of a fling at the moment (it also increases the coverage of my Bare Minerals foundation on those, 'bleugh' days) my final quarm with it, is the price. £27!!! I don't know if I can part with that much cash for this product. I suppose only time will tell. For now, I'm rationing. 

What do you think of this product? Do you like it?

Laura xoxo


  1. This looks really good! £27 though, hmm! There must be something that does a similar job for a bit less? :) xxxx

    1. I know, I'm thinking of just mixing moisturizer with bb cream haha!


  2. £27 is a lot of money for a product you don't love. however it does look lovely on your skin.

    1. I know, sad times. Each time I use it I like it more, booo!



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