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Saturday, 9 March 2013

Adding Some Colour

The other day I was feeling a bit rubbish. You know the drill, tired, miserable, a severe case of CBA. To make myself feel a bit better, I thought I'd add a bit of colour to my usual look, and it did cheer me up a little.

On my lips is a Rimmel number in Coral Queen. I don't usually put colours on my lids as I always worry about it, but I thought, what the heck, a bit of coral could almost convince me it was summer. I then added my loved Nars multiple in Portofino on the cheeks, and MAC's wedge all across my lid.

I would also like to take a moment to say how excited I am that my eyebrows are finally getting to a place where I am happy with them. Yay me!

Do you do stuff like this to cheer yourself up?

Laura xoxo


  1. I worry about wearing colour on my lids top just incase people as college think im going out partying! x

    1. I tend to usually wear more colour on my lids as they get lost behind my glasses haha!


  2. You look gorgeous! This colour looks gorgeous on your lids lovely! :) x Laura

  3. Yes I do.
    I love the Rimmel lipstick that you used!

  4. Make up always makes me happy. especially colours.
    You also make me happy.
    Make up and laura makes me very happy.
    add some cake and rachel and i'm ecstatic.

  5. I like this look! you should wear colours on the lips more, suits you! :) xxxx

  6. Gorgeous! Love the coral on you :) I normally do my nails to cheer myself up xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog


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