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Sunday, 20 January 2013

What I Wore this Week

Well, this week has pretty much consisted of me watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm on series 5 now (I'd never watched it before) and I am seriously hooked. I totally blame Rachel for this new addiction of mine. So except from watching that, going out in the snow a little Friday, and babysitting Monday, I have done little else. I lead such a thrilling life.

Monday: Top and Skirt: Topshop // Shoes: Converse

Tuesday: Shirt: George at Asda

Wednesday: Hoodie: Fat Face // Shoes: Converse

Thursday: Top: Tour T-shirt // Trackies: Pineapple

Friday: Top: Tour T-shirt // Trackies: New Look

Have a lovely week.

Laura xoxo


  1. Great outfits! :)

  2. I envy your cosy grey's anatomy week :'( we should watch it TOGETHER!
    Love your jumper with the studs, so much! xxxx

  3. i was totally hooked on grey's when it first came out. i stopped watching for a while, then caught an episode recently and was totally lost! i need to re-watch and catch up!

  4. You have super cosy outfits!


Thank you so much for you comment, it really brightens my day.