Brows are definitely something that's 'in' right now! Or should I say 'on fleek' no i really shouldn't.
It wasn't until I started blogging that I ever really gave two hoots about my brows. I may have gone a bit pluck crazy after watching The Princess Diaries and wanting a make over that rivalled Anne Hathaways (let's just say, it left a lot to be desired,) but I never really gave them much though. Now, I bloomin' love them.
I really like doing my brows, maintaining my brows and brow products. So due to all that, I'm able to write this post, which I previously would've lol'ed or even rofl'ed at, my three different brow styles. 'Cause a girl just needs choices, right?
1) The casual: You know the drill, it's nothing serious but you still need a little something going on. For that occasion I turn to the Maybelline Brow Drama. Title aside there's nothing dramatic about it, you just whip it out and quickly comb it through and you're done. Simples.
2) The quick but all there: So you want to have the full on brow but to be honest you also want the extra ten minutes snooze. I know how you feel. For that I recommend a pencil, and the one I'm loving at the moment is the Sleek Brow Pencil. It has a spoolie one end and a nice slanted nib the other. Great for travel (i.e. on the train to work) and really good colour pay off too. The slanted nib (I feel like Chandler right when he laughs at 'duties') means you can get a real nice shape to your brows going too.
3) The go all out: This I like to save for special occasions, the ones where pictures are likely to be taken etc. For me, nothing makes my brows look more polished and put together and...well brow like, than when I use a powder. The powder I use is actually eyeshadow and it's MAC's Omega and Brun. These two guys and an angled brush take me from a 4 to a solid 8, and for that, I thank them.
What're your brow loves?